"It is conservatively estimated that nearly 400,000 people in the United States have some form of autism — the third most common developmental disability. But the majority of the public, including many professionals in the medical, educational and vocational fields, remain unaware of how autism affects people." (1)

Autism—Many individuals have heard the term, and maybe even "know" someone with the disability, but how many really understand how it affects lives on a personal basis?

The book, Silent Angel: The Joys and Challenges in Raising an Autistic Child, answers that question and others as it is a true account of the authors raising a daughter with special needs. This book also includes testimonies of people from various walks of life about this child and how they see her as she relates to them on a daily basis.

This book also offers practical suggestions how someone can interact with an individual or a family with special needs and make a positive impact in our society.

(1) Families for Early Autism Treatment


Meet the man who wrote the Forward for Silent Angel, Bennet Pomerantz, writer, columnist, reviewer, and dear friend of the family on his Amazon review page.

Click here for 101 Noteworthy Sites on Asperger's and the Autism Spectrum

The new edition of Silent Angel includes all of the first book (co-authored by late husband Timothy A. Ravert), which covered birth through age eleven, with a new section written by Melody J. Ravert, single parent. She continues giving deails of Stephanie's life from age twelve through twenty.

Click here for an interview with parents of children with autism >>>

My Special Angel

© 2016-17 Melody Ravert

All rights reserved